
Wolfdene Community dives in to assist Cranbourne West Primary with much needed Swimming Program

The Wolfdene Community Program is off to a great start in 2017, partnering again with local school, Cranbourne West Primary for their much-needed Learn to Swim Program.

Although traditionally a part of the curriculum, Mrs Debbie Dodd, Cranbourne West’s Parent and Community Liaison has been noticing a significant drop in numbers due to families’ financial difficulties and this year, without external assistance, the program was due to be cancelled. 

Cancelling this program was a real concern, Mrs Dodd explained, “as we have increasing numbers of migrants and refugees moving into our area, many of whom come from places where swimming was not common place, we have an increased risk of children drowning when they visit pools, beaches and rivers in Australia.”

“Thanks to the help from Wolfdene Community we can now offer free swimming lessons for all students in Year One.  We believe these students are old enough to take advantage of the water safety program and by removing the financial obstacle to participation, we aim to ensure that every student can access this valuable program and this will reduce the risk of drowning,” said Mrs Dodd earlier this week.

Learn to Swim is just one of the many programs Wolfdene Community will be assisting within local schools this year. If you have an activity or program that you feel will benefit your community, or to find out more about Wolfdene Community please contact our Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Hannah Parker here

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