
Platform Sold Out

Wolfdene broke into the Northern corridor in late 2018 with ‘Platform’ Donnybrook and quickly established itself as one of the most in demand projects in the region.

Today, whole stages of homes have been completely constructed around Platform, families have moved in and there is a real buzz to the community. The local park is expected to be completed in October and final settlements are gearing up to take place, which will see the remainder of Platform come alive.

The Platform project moved swiftly in execution and sales, which has seen it be a top performer for the region. Wolfdene and the Blueways Group are proud of this project and have always strived to create communities in which people flourish in beautifully designed homes and surrounding amenity. 

Now that the team has wrapped up selling and is moving out of the on-site townhome display, they are keen to tackle the next big project down the road – Balmain, at 960 Donnybrook Road, Donnybrook.

Balmain is on sale now with sales suite opening August 2022.

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